Monday, 13 August 2007

Destination Unknown

My original thoughts were to travel aimlessly on this trip, to take whatever routes and actions pleased me at any time. I'm beginning to think that this could be a bad idea and could make the act of hitching a lot more difficult. If I'm stood by the side of the road and I'm not particularly bothered where I am going; for one, whoever picks me up is going to be less interested and secondly, when I arrive at my destination I won't be particularly overjoyed to have reached it.

I have then come to the decision that it would be best to have a destination in mind throughout the trip. That way no matter where I am while I'm on the road (whether I'm travelling in the right direction or not) I'll have somewhere in mind as a target, and all matter of the journey will be relative, ie. whether I have enough money/time/energy to make it to the destination.

Question now is, where?

I have a few places in mind at the moment.

If I do decide to return to Prague after the trip:

  • The coast would be nice (Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria)

Or if I decide to make an extended trip from Prague all the way home I could visit:

  • France, Austria, Belgium, Holland

I will only be limited by my funds (I will have about 500 pounds to spare) and time (I have until December to return to England, and as long as the weather doesn't turn too bitter I'll be happy to stay on the road).

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